Monday, August 6, 2012

The National Museum

Discovering the Philippines' Rich Culture
The Philippines is rich in culture and history. When in the Philippines, don’t forget to visit the National Museum of the Philippines and discover wonderful facts about the country.

History and Facts
In the National Museum of the Philippines you can find very important historical artifacts recovered from the sunken galleon San Diego, one of the five galleons that traveled to the Philippines brought by the Spaniards led by Miguel Lopez de Legaspi. The museum houses some of the national treasures such as the Manunggul Jar, Juan Luna’s spoliarium and other artifacts. The museums goal is to instill cultural consciousness and sense of pride and awareness among Filipinos. The building was designed by the American Architect Daniel Burnham. It was founded in 1901 and was originally a Museum of Ethnology. 
Hall of Masters: In this room you can find the collection of works of the 19th century Filipino painters Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo who achieved prominence at the 1884 Madrid Exposition. The famouse Spoliarium of Juan Luna received one of the three gold medals and the Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Polulacho (Christian Virgins Presented to the Populace) received one of the 14 silver medals.
Arellano Room: Juan Arellano is a painter-architect who was the urban planner involved in the zoning of Manila and Quezon City. He is a pioneering artist and exponent in the Philippine neo classical and art deco style. This room is dedicated to his works.

Jowell Jandayan: Back to the National Museum

       Well, I can't really remember when was the first time I have gone to the National Museum. It could be sometime during my grade school, when we have our Field Trip. But, I know I have already gone there. And I would say probably during that time as I was looking to all those art works it's just mean nothing to me. I could be amazed by looking at them, but that was just it. Maybe I don't understand yet the true meaning of art and the meaning of appreciation. During my first degree in college, I went to Letran in Intramuros, Manila . There I spent for over 4 years studying. And the National Museum was only few meters away from Letran. However, I didn't bother going there to see the art works.
       After a decade or two, last July 15 2012, finally I was able to visit the National Museum again. The sad part is, I was only there because of a school project. At that time for me that was the only reason why I'm there. And I'm with few classmates. Upon entering the premises, it felt different all of a sudden. I was excited to see some paintings, specially the SPOLARIUM. I was then intrigued and interested with it. And when I was already inside the museum, I can feel the tension. There was also mixed emotions. I was amazed, happy, surprised, excited and proud. I am proud to be there, proud to witness everything that's inside and proud of our National Artists for a job well done. I suddenly realized that going there has a different reason after all. It is to witness our National Treasure. Every painting, every sculpture or every art work seems so perfect. And talking about the National Museum and the National Artists, I suddenly thought of something though. Our visit to the museum is the same day as the burial of our late "Comedy King" Dolphy. There also, I thought about him. Everyone was discussing about Dolphy becoming a National Artist or is it time for him to be one. As I was thinking about it, I felt a strange feeling that I wanted to see a portrait of him. Unfortunately, I didn't see anything but I was not disappointed not to see one though. And I have another strange feeling after that. How I wish, I was gifted like our National Artists that I can paint or draw. Maybe I will be the one to make Dolphy's portrait. Or maybe gifted enough to make a portrait of someone I love. Instead of looking for an artist and pay him to do it for me.
       I have taken some pictures with some of the art works and some of them I was on it. I did it not just we are required to do it, but because I wanted some souvenirs. And when I got home, I uploaded the pictures to my Facebook account and shared it to my friends. I wanted to show them that I went to the National Museum that I have observed, took pictures, enjoyed and learned from each art work. It was a totally different experience for me. My appreciation on every art work can't be described. I was happy to be back. I was happy that I was given another chance to be there. I was happy to learn. And hopefully I could pass this wonderful experience down to our next generation.

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